Protection and conservation of Straw and Hay Bales

BALOTEX is a non-woven fabric made of randomly arranged polypropylene fibres specifically developed for covering and protecting straw and hay bales, wood chips, compost, manure, suger beet, potatoes, carrots,… everything which is stored outside and needs protection form rain while being able to « breathe ».


Make sure the pile is stacked with a significant slope (minimum 45°). Cover immediately after construction of the pile. Place BALOTEX® on top of the pile and unfold as follows :

Put the sewing line in the middle of the pile

Lower both sides

Pull on the BALOTEX® in
the length of the pile

Make sure you fix your BALOTEX® correctly with provided Fixation SET. 1 gravelbag every 2m fixed with about 1m50 hook tape.



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